About the Journal

Focus and Scope

VOK@SINDO is a journal of applied sciences and / or works as a technical problem solving. The scope of this journal covers various areas of expertise gained from the results: research, conceptual thinking, development, practical experience and solving other problems.  VOK@SINDO is a means of communication for researchers, practitioners, and lecturers, as well as other interested parties.

Peer Review Process

Submitted paper will be  firstly reviewed by the editors to determine whether the paper meet the edition theme and submission guidelines. Papers which meet the theme and the guidelines will be assigned to selected reviewers for peer-reviews. Vok@sindo is a double blind peer-reviewed journal which involves  reviewers based on their experties relevant to the topic of the paper. Final decision of paper acceptance is solely decided by the editors according to reviewers' comment.

Plagiarism and self-plagiarism are prohibited. Vok@sindo uses TunrItin to scan papers for detecting plagiarism. Thus, Appropriate citation and quotation should be used

Publication Frequency

February and August

Journal History

VOK@SINDO adalah jurnal ilmu-ilmu terapan dan/atau hasil karya sebagai penyelesaian permasalahan teknis. ruang lingkup dari jurnal ini meliputi berbagai bidang keahlian yang diperoleh dari hasil:penelitian, konsep pemikiran, pengembangan, pengalaman praktis, dan pemecahan permasalahan lainnya. VOK@SINDO merupakan sarana kominikasi bagi peneliti, praktisi, dan dosen, serta pihak-pihak lain yang berkepentingan. bagi mahasiswa, VOK@SINDO merupakan media penyebarluasan tugas akhir.