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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Naskah belum pernah diterbitkan dan/atau dalam tahap proses penyuntingan untuk publikasi yang lainnya
  • Naskah harus mengikuti aturan penulisan pada Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines



Principles of Writing

The manuscript to be published in this journal must meet the following criteria:

 (1) it is the results of research, concept of thought, development, practical experience related to problem-solving activities;

 (2) it uses appropriate methods;

(3) It describes the results and discussion more comprehensively and sistematically; and

(4) It concludes and provides relevant suggestions to the topic of the article.


Format of Manuscript

The manuscript should be written in accordance with the standard format of VOK@SINDO, covering: title, author, address, phone, email, abstract, keywords, introduction, method, results and discussion, conclusion and suggestion, and references. It should be typed in Microsoft Word with the following format: Letter paper size;  Times New Roman font type;  12-point font size,; 2 (double) line spacing; top, left, bottom, and right margins of 3,4,3,3 respectively; using standard Indonesian languange; and using italics for the use of English. The paper should contain a maximum of 20 pages (including figures and tables in the text, as well as appendices).


The title should be no more than 20 words and typed in bold Times New Roman with size equal to 12 and reflect the contents of the article comprehensively.


The paper can be written individually and / or in a group (involving a maximum of 8 people) compiled based on the main author and co-author(s), followed with the corresponding author’s identity covering the full name, affiliation, telephone number and email.


A  description of the purpose, objectives, tools, methods, analysis of results and discussion as well as conclusions and suggestions written briefly in order to make the readers easy to understand the contet of the article. It should consist of no more than 200 words, typed with a single space, and completed with keywords (3-5 words). The abstract is written in 2 languages: Indonesian and English.


A description of the background containing problems, objectives, literature review and hypotheses written briefly and clearly, and not exceeding 3 pages.


A description of the research implementation, concept of thought, development, practical experience, and problem-solving studies, consisting of place, time, data collection techniques / design and data analysis.

Results and Discussion

A description of the results of research implementation equipped with accurate arguments and reasoning.

Conclusion and Suggestion

A description of the final results completed with suggestions, for a maximum of 250 words.


A set of references used in articles organized systematically and sequent alphabetically. Writing references start from the author’s name, followed by the publication year, the title of the article / book,  city of publication, the publising entity of the journal / book. Writing of references sourced from the internet should include the address of the site and date.

Examples of reference writing:


Cahyono, B.Y. 2010. Techniques in Teaching EFL Writing. Malang: State University of Malang.

Article in the Book of Articles:

Cahyono, B.Y. 2011. Using Facebook to Enhance English Department Students' Skill in Writing English Essays. In B.Y. Cahyono & N. Mukminatien (Eds.). Techniques and Strategies to Enhance English Language Learning (pp.147-160). Malang: State University of Malang.


Latief, M. 2003. Action Research Class English Learning. Journal of Education Sciences. Vol.10 No. 2: 99-115.

Internet (Individual Work):

Ismail. 2009. The Meaning of Color, (Online), (, accessed May 25, 2009.

Internet (Article in Online Journals)

Kumaidi. 1998. Measurement of Early Learning and Development of the Test. Journal of Education Sciences. (Online), Vol.5, No.4, (, accessed January 20, 2000).

Final Project, Thesis, Dissertation, and Research Report:

Irmawati, D.K. 2010. Using Webbing Technique as a Recount Scaffold to Improve the Ability of the X-8 Students of SMA Negeri 7 Malang in Writing Recount Texts. Unpublished Thesis. Malang: State University of Malang

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.